The only thing I would change about RJ-45 is a longer tab (but make it 
optional) for when you care more about ease of removal than cable tangles.   
Polycom phones are hell to try and unplug the RJ-45, for example.

-----Original Message-----
From: Naslund, Steve [] 
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 11:43 AM
Subject: RE: why haven't ethernet connectors changed?

Please, no connectors that do not lock into place.  Is plugging in the
RJ-45 that much of a task?  Most portable devices are going wireless in any 
case so they are not an issue.  The RJ-45 has worked OK for me.  The AUI 
connectors have a special place in networking hell.  What an incredibly 
horrible mechanical design they were?  The flip side of the question is why you 
think the RJ-45 should change.  You could argue that you don't usually need all 
eight wires but every time we tried that argument someone came up with a 
compelling reason to use more wires.  I like that it is very standard.  In the 
fiber world it is a continuous issue of hybrid patch cords dealing with 
ST,SC,LC and all the other variants out there.  It would be a huge nightmare if 
the same thing happened with copper Ethernet.

I am also not a huge fan of the USB connector because I have seen a lot of 
those break and there is no positive retention.  Magnetic is cute but has no 
place in a datacenter and even with desktops I can picture a lot of support 
calls because someone bumps a wire that knocks the mag connector out of place.  
I really hate dongles of all types but I guess you don't really have a choice 
with devices so physically thin that you can't get the jack in there.

I think I will keep the RJ for now.

Steven Naslund

-----Original Message-----
From: Aled Morris []
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 12:38 PM
To: Michael Thomas
Cc: NANOG list
Subject: Re: why haven't ethernet connectors changed?

On 20 December 2012 18:20, Michael Thomas <> wrote

> ethernet
> connectors haven't changed that I'm aware in pretty much 25 years.

15-pin D-type AUI connectors with slide latches?

BNC for thinwire?

I do agree though, something more like mini-USB would be more appropriate for 
home Ethernet use.


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