The "Nonfunctional" side is critical for the LPI obsessed C?O demographic,
and is therefor mandatory for most products.
I wish I didn't know that.

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Howard C. Berkowitz <>wrote:

> On 12/23/2012 7:44 AM, Aled Morris wrote:
>> On 23 December 2012 01:07, Wayne E Bouchard <> wrote:
>>  They serve quite well until I get to a switch that some douchebag
>>> mounted rear facing on the front posts of the rack
>> I see this all the time with low-end Cisco ISR products (2... and 3...
>> routers) since CIsco insist on having a "pretty" plastic fascia with their
>> logo, model number, power LED etc. on the unuseful side.
> Such routers have two fronts: a suit side and an operational side.
>  Less experienced
>> installers (being generous with my terminology) assume this is therefore
>> the "front" and mount it facing on the front rails, leaving the connector
>> side buried half way into the rack where only a proctologist can reach the
>> plugs.
> For further detail about the latter: 
>> I use this as a gauge of experience in interviews for engineers...
>>  "Here's
>> a new router and here's the rack mount ears.  Show me where they go."
>> Aled

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