On 14 September 2012 11:54, Nick Hilliard <n...@foobar.org> wrote:
> On 14/09/2012 11:50, Nat Morris wrote:
>> The RIPE hostmaster would only allocate us address space 7 days before
>> the event started, needed longer than this to begin building out the
>> network which span multiple data centres. Especially with time, access
>> and change freeze constraints due to the Olympics this year. They
>> didn't seem to want to budge on this, easier in my opinion to borrow
>> some off a friendly organisation or ISP than jump hoops with RIPE.
> I'm in the process of trying to get this changed.  To be completely fair on
> the RIPE NCC, they don't have flexibility on this issue - the original
> policy was broken.

This is good news Nick :)

I have spoken to others in the past few weeks who were hoping to raise
it at the next RIPE meeting. I am happy to share our ticket details
with you off list if it'll help.



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