Subject: Re: Big Temporary Networks Date: Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 10:15:26PM -0400 
Quoting Eric Adler (
> Are you working with locally originated video or video that originates as
> DVB-T?
> I'm looking at a similar project to replace NTSC distribution around the
> facility where I work (locally originated, DVB-S[2] receive, ATSC receive,
> and even NTSC receive) with an IP multicast system.
> I'd be interested in discussing options, caveats, and nuance further with
> all of those interested but I fear we're drifting off-topic for this list
> (and this thread).

The only real problem is rights. The tech is easy. Get a last years PC,
install as much tuners as you need, and install the right software.

First google hit, more or less:

Måns Nilsson     primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina
MN-1334-RIPE                             +46 705 989668
Should I start with the time I SWITCHED personalities with a BEATNIK
hair stylist or my failure to refer five TEENAGERS to a good OCULIST?

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