On 14 September 2012 11:16, Nick Hilliard <n...@foobar.org> wrote:
> On 13/09/2012 21:32, Måns Nilsson wrote:
>> Get lots of IP addresses. A /16 probably still can be borrowed for this
>> kind of event. I know RIPE had rules and addresses for this kind of use
>> a couple years ago, at least.
> yes, you can get a bunch of IP addresses from the ripe ncc if you only need
> them on a temporary basis:
> http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-526

We tried to apply using this policy to get address space for EMFCamp,
no good in reality.

The RIPE hostmaster would only allocate us address space 7 days before
the event started, needed longer than this to begin building out the
network which span multiple data centres. Especially with time, access
and change freeze constraints due to the Olympics this year. They
didn't seem to want to budge on this, easier in my opinion to borrow
some off a friendly organisation or ISP than jump hoops with RIPE.

Only other option would be to build your infra out in an existing
spare /24 you can get hold of - put router loopbacks, point to points
etc in there. Then a week before the event attempt to get the larger
/19 assignment from RIPE to put your clients in. I wouldn't be happy
doing that though, as in my opinion it doesn't leave enough time for
any reachability testing / debugging.



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