Right on Thanks, Ameen Pishdadi
On May 1, 2012, at 11:39 AM, Dominik Bay <d...@rrbone.net> wrote: > Yesterday I received the following mail, from a CDN: > > ---->8---- > Greetings, > > Limelight Networks periodically reviews its interconnection strategy to > ensure the quality and integrity of its interconnection between all its > partners. We have recently updated our requirements for settlement-free > peering which are posted at http://www.as22822.net/ > > This letter is to notify you that yyy no longer meets our minimum > requirements. If yyy would like to maintain our current interconnectivity, > there will be settlement associated with doing so. If you are interested in > pursuing this option, please reply back to this email indicating such. > > Should your company decline this option, or if we do not have an agreement > regarding the settlement in place prior to May 31st 2012, Limelight Networks > will terminate the peering sessions on that day, with this letter serving as > 30 day notice. > > > Sincerely, > ----8<---- > > The same mail was sent out last year, about end of April 2011, to another ISP > I'm working with. > They got depeered, but the ISP which received the mail above yesterday didn't > meet the requirements last year either. > I totally understand that some companies might not be able to handle > sub-5Mbps peering sessions, be it technical or organisational, but >=100Mbps > should be worth any effort, as long as it improves the network. > > In this particular case I'm talking about >=600Mbps of traffic send out by > Limelight to "my" eyeballs, not mentioning their fairly small footprint in > Germany in comparison to other CDNs. > > These points aside, we are talking about a Content *Delivery* Network here. > There are CDNs out there who burn to improve their customer experience (both > the content creators and the content receiver) at high cost. > Having a Tier1 attitude and telling eyeball networks with <1Gbps of traffic > exchanged to bugger off or pay is not one of the ways to improve this. > > At the end of the day I'm going to charge CDNs who want to deliver their > customers content to my eyeballs and make me pay (about 2USD per Mbps, with a > minimum of 1Gbps). > > -dominik >