Hi Fabien,

I strongly have to disagree with you. We run a full bgp implementation on 
Extreme in our network and are very pleased with it and the support that we get 
from Extreme. One of our x480's we run has about 1.4 milj learned routes and 
another has around 200 bgp peers on the AMS-iX... So what is your point ?

As an ex-Extreme employee making such strong statements, while you don't know 
the current status at customers, it may be best to ask who is using it and how, 
instead of acting like a grumpy ex-employee. 

Feel free to ask about our setup.

Erik Bais

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad

Op Jan 27, 2012 om 15:41 heeft Fabien Delmotte <fdelmot...@mac.com> het 
volgende geschreven:

> You can use BGP only for the default route no more :) forget a full view
> Le 27 janv. 2012 à 15:34, Fabien Delmotte a écrit :
>> Only for a full table BGP, in fact it is not able to learn a full BGP table. 
>> The X480 could do it, but it is very slow and they miss some features
>> Fabien
>> Le 27 janv. 2012 à 11:25, Leigh Porter a écrit :
>>> On 27 Jan 2012, at 10:21, "Fabien Delmotte" <fdelmot...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>> I worked for Extreme, and I deployed a lot of X650 (24 10G ports) for 
>>>> DataCenter environment. The box is really good.
>>>> In fact if you use the box at a layer 2 it is perfect, BUT DON'T use their 
>>>> BGP code, they never understood what is BGP :)
>>> Is that don't use for Internet facing full table BGP or do you include iBGP 
>>> for say VPN as well?
>>> -- 
>>> Leigh
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