Seth Mattinen wrote:
> On 2/12/2010 15:03, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> What time frame do you determine to be instability? The following is
>> from a box that has ~25 neighbours. Since the box was reloaded (6w3d
>> ago), I've had the same uptime with the Team Cymru neighbours as I do
>> with internal gear. I can't say that I've experienced any instability at
>> all. It is not uncommon for me to have noticed uptimes well beyond 30w.
> Mine are not so good:
> Neighbor        V    AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down
> State/PfxRcd
>      4 65333  115856  115859 16411814    0    0 01:33:51       30
>    4        65333   26968   29671 16311293    0    0 2w4d
>          30
> I see you have in your list too, but my uptime is less. Are
> you using increased hold times?

No... I haven't changed anything. Here is my exact config from said box
(for that host):

router bgp 14270


 neighbor cymru-bogon peer-group
 neighbor cymru-bogon description Cymru BOGON peer group
 neighbor cymru-bogon ebgp-multihop 255
 neighbor cymru-bogon update-source Loopback99


 neighbor remote-as 65333
 neighbor peer-group cymru-bogon
 neighbor description Cymru route-server #2


 address-family ipv4
  redistribute static route-map RTBH-OUT
  neighbor cymru-bogon prefix-list CYMRU-OUT out
  neighbor cymru-bogon route-map CYMRU-MAP-IN in
  neighbor cymru-bogon maximum-prefix 200


  neighbor activate


ip community-list expanded BOGON permit 65333:888
ip community-list expanded BLACKHOLE permit 14270:600
ip as-path access-list 10 permit ^65333*


ip prefix-list CYMRU-OUT seq 5 deny le 32


route-map CYMRU-MAP-IN permit 10
 description Null route BOGONS learnt from Cymru
 match community BOGON
 set community 14270:888 no-export additive
 set ip next-hop


route-map RTBH-OUT permit 10
 match tag 600
 set local-preference 500
 set origin igp
 set community 14270:600 no-export


Do you have any other peers on the same int that are dropping as well?


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