I agree - quick setup and no issues. A++ Would Peer Again

-Jack Carrozzo

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Steve Bertrand <st...@ibctech.ca> wrote:
> Thomas Magill wrote:
>> In efforts to further protect us against threats I am considering
>> establishing Bogon peers to enable me to filter unallocated address
>> space.  I am just wondering if this is a worthwhile step to take and if
>> anyone has ran into any issues or points of concern that I may want to
>> take into account.  Thanks in advance for any input.
> I've used the service for a couple of years, and I find it works
> wonderfully. Newly distributed IANA blocks are removed promptly, so no
> need to worry about that.
> I peer with Cymru on my RTBH trigger boxes, which then redistribute the
> list to all edge gear which blackholes it (dest and source) thanks to uRPF.
> No manual config or rule manipulation.
> Steve

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