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On 2/12/2010 4:21 PM, Mr. James W. Laferriere wrote:
>     I've a question for the CYMRU Team ,  My reasoning for posting here
> is to get a much wide knowledge base .
>     Does or Is the 'Bogon Peering' Product(?) ,  Only at the IANA->RIR
> allocations level ?   F.E.:  IANA has allocated to RIPE .
>     Or
>     Does the product also include the actual remaining non-allocated
> space at the RIR->EU level ? (**)   F.E: RIPE has allocated
> to anubusstupidity, inc.

Jim & All,

The current bogon reference projects we have available only include the
first of your examples - netblocks which have not been allocated by IANA
to an RIR.  However, we are currently in a beta testing phase of a
similar feed which also includes netblocks that have not yet been
allocated or assigned by the RIRs.  We will also be offering the same
type of bogon feed for IPv6, something we've been asked about quite a
bit recently!

We will be releasing more information about this service once it is
ready for a wider audience.  You can keep an eye on a number of places
for this type of announcement:

 * Our web site, http://www.team-cymru.org/
 * Our announcements mailing list, subscribe via
 * Our Twitter feed, http://twitter.com/teamcymru
 * Our weekly YouTube show, http://www.youtube.com/teamcymru

Thanks to all for your interest and feedback - we're glad to hear that
you are finding the bogon references useful in your networks!

Best Regards,
Tim Wilde

- -- 
Tim Wilde, Senior Software Engineer, Team Cymru, Inc.
twi...@cymru.com | +1-630-230-5433 | http://www.team-cymru.org/
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