On 2/12/2010 13:47, Tim Wilde wrote:
> On 2/12/2010 4:21 PM, Mr. James W. Laferriere wrote:
>>     I've a question for the CYMRU Team ,  My reasoning for posting here
>> is to get a much wide knowledge base .
>>     Does or Is the 'Bogon Peering' Product(?) ,  Only at the IANA->RIR
>> allocations level ?   F.E.:  IANA has allocated to RIPE .
>>     Or
>>     Does the product also include the actual remaining non-allocated
>> space at the RIR->EU level ? (**)   F.E: RIPE has allocated
>> to anubusstupidity, inc.
> Jim & All,
> The current bogon reference projects we have available only include the
> first of your examples - netblocks which have not been allocated by IANA
> to an RIR.  However, we are currently in a beta testing phase of a
> similar feed which also includes netblocks that have not yet been
> allocated or assigned by the RIRs.  We will also be offering the same
> type of bogon feed for IPv6, something we've been asked about quite a
> bit recently!

While I have your attention, I've noticed there's been a bit of
instability lately with the BGP sessions (in fact one of mine right now
is down). With 30 routes it's not a big deal to have frequent churn, but
if you're going to expand that to a larger feed then it could become a


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