On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 3:35 PM, William Pitcock
<neno...@systeminplace.net> wrote:
>> Name:   www.googleadservices.com
>> Address:
> That is Cernal, and it is hosted in Russia now.

not unless 'russia' moved a whole lot closer to 'ashburn,va' in the
last little while (or wormhole network technology is available)

 4  0.xe-4-2-0.BR1.IAD8.ALTER.NET (  8 ms
0.xe-7-3-0.BR1.IAD8.ALTER.NET (  6 ms
0.xe-4-2-0.BR1.IAD8.ALTER.NET (  10 ms
 5 (  7 ms  8 ms  7 ms
 6 (  13 ms  12 ms  24 ms
 7 (  12 ms  15 ms  12 ms
 8  67-210-14-113-rev.ineting.net (  15 ms  14 ms  15 ms

(note upstream here is DT)

> Cernal and Atrivo are two different entities, Atrivo used to host
> Cernal, but now they have different hosting arrangements. today routes:
 5  0.xe-9-0-0.BR1.IAD8.ALTER.NET (  8 ms  6 ms
0.xe-10-0-0.BR1.IAD8.ALTER.NET (  8 ms
 6  dcp-brdr-02.inet.qwest.net (  9 ms  9 ms  10 ms
 7  dcx-core-01.inet.qwest.net (  10 ms  14 ms  10 ms
 8  cer-core-01.inet.qwest.net (  30 ms
cer-core-02.inet.qwest.net (  28 ms
cer-core-01.inet.qwest.net (  29 ms
 9  chx-edge-02.inet.qwest.net (  172 ms  32 ms
chx-edge-02.inet.qwest.net (  30 ms
10 (  29 ms  29 ms  30 ms

(note QWest is the upstream)

Right, two different ASN's originating prefixes, they seem to have
different 'locations' (or connections to networks in two different
tier-1 cities (chicago based on naming vs nyc-area based upon rtt)

The two entities seem to have a very tightly linked business though,
and have for quite some time.

> Can people get a clue and understand this very critical difference?

sure, the difference being the act of changing names on top level
entities every period of time ('names will be changed to protect the
innocent') and providers as the providers notice sales folk did 'bad'

It doesn't help to say things like: "Thats hosted in russia" when
clearly it is not... it also doesn't help to try and separate the 2
clearly inseparable entities.


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