Grant Taylor via NANOG wrote:
I believe that talking about removing IPv4 in any capacity /now/ is a
disservice to the larger conversation.
We mostly agree. Except that there is a significant vocal portion of the
IPv6 spectrum that would like to start obsoleting IPv4 now.
I have my doubts about getting back to a single protocol Internet
(IPv6) in my lifetime, much less my career.
I both doubt and very much hope that it will not be quite that long, but
even so, the fact that it can even be considered a possibility should be
a significant wake up call.
In any event, all this underscores the reality that IPv4 requires more
investment to carry along until that point.
And until that point, IPv6 is an optimization, not a requirement.
How long do you wait during the "optimization" window before actually
deploying IPv6? The 11th hour? Why not start deploying IPv6 with new
green field deployments at the 2nd hour?
Until you have the itch to do so, until you have a business case to do
so, until you no longer have any excuse not to do so. The opt in
optimization is optional.