On 3/22/21 7:00 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:

TBH, most discussion in the WISP space has moved to Facebook. The busy WISPA mailing lists used to get about 20k messages per year. When I last checked, they were down to 5k or so and on a downward trend. Meanwhile, the Facebook groups have exploded, both in members per group and the number of groups.

I dropped my WISPA membership when it was clear the mailing list was no longer preferred by the members. So that shift cost them at least my revenue.

Facebook groups are cancer, generally run by people looking for a power trip with no oversight, much like an HOA board that is just itching to fine and foreclose on a house because it has unapproved drapes showing through a side window .

I got banned from a group for posting info that was correct, mod said I was "spreading rumors", I followed up with news articles showing it was accurate, then got banned because I should have known not to disagree with a mod. It's a shame people support Facebook groups and reinforce this behavior, and that there's no recourse.

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