On Mon, 22 Mar 2021 11:41:22 -0700
William Herrin <b...@herrin.us> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 10:23 AM Andy Ringsmuth <a...@andyring.com>
> wrote:
> > No. Use a communication method that is available globally, not
> > proprietary and doesn’t require me to sell my soul to the devil
> > simply to participate.  
> Hi Andy,
> I refused to get a Facebook account until I was paid to. Now that I
> have one, I wonder why I bothered. I isolate it in its own browser
> profile so it can't snoop the rest of my web activity and I gave it an
> alias email address that only they have. I mostly  control what
> information I give them. I like having an effortless way to keep up
> with my extended friends and family. In spite of that, I was surprised
> how good a job Facebook did targeting ads to my interests -- the
> knight hoodies were just too cool.
> > Sigh. It is probably a losing battle. You kids get off my grass!  
> The world moves on. I still don't like the idea of Facebook, but I
> actually like Facebook.
> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
> P.S. Facebook's "Portal Plus" device is simply the best personal video
> conferencing device I've ever used. Clear audio. Following camera that
> keeps you in frame. It's slick.
> P.p.s. Did you know that accessing customers' private information
> without the customer's explicit permission is a zero-tolerance
> first-time firing offense at Facebook? I didn't! Seems they got
> religion after Cambridge Analytica. They even have strong technical
> controls to stop it. They process the heck out of your data but they
> do not, do not look.

No, they just sell it to another gaggle of chuckleheads who *do* look.
It doesn't matter whether or not they look, I don't want them having it
in the first place. :P

Christopher Conforti

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