On 12Sep22 21:07+0200, Mihai Lazarescu wrote:
> Given the cheap VPS, I can mirror the setup on a second VPS from a different
> provider with quick DNS switch in case of issues.

I just did that approx half a year ago. Before, everything was rolling 
just fine (for more than 10 yrs). No dead ends of my outgoing mails. 
After transferring the domain over to the new hoster, some destinations 
did not receive my mails. Either filtered into spam, some got denied 
(where I got a nice SMTP error reply) and some just got silently 

This took me some time to figure out with each destination, why is that 
happening. And sometimes also just guessing. At least the 
mail-tester.com rate is 10/10, so it is not about my setup per se. The 
IP and/or subnet my VPS was in had a bad reputation at some denylist 
services. Question was then, how to get removed from them. Sometimes via 
automated forms and sometimes through personal mail-conversation with 
other mail operators (t-online.de was very nice and responsive to my 
surprise). For now, it seems fine again. And I would regret it to 
'throw in the towel' because of that; but to be honest, I thought about 

After this experience there need to be very strong reasons to change my 
hoster again, meaning to change my IP/subnet again. 


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