On 12Sep2022 21:07, Mihai Lazarescu <mtl...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Monday, September 12, 2022 at 15:15:55 +0000, Nacho via Mutt-users wrote:
But in short, today it's just a matter of money and time to have your own
email system working perfectly, of course the cost have increased wildly in the
last few years and will keep doing so, but at least for me makes all the sense
to pay for it.

I tend to concur. I run just fine for several years now my own SMTP/IMAP servers + Let's Encrypt certificate on a cheap VPS (< $20/year).

It took some work to set it up, but that's it. Surely not a mass solution, yet feasible and stable.

Same here.

I had a stable email address for decades from an early ISP. Even after switching ISPs I kept the account there for the address, which had been advertised as an address-for-life. ~$3 every few months. They got bought, but the service was maintained. Then they got bought by a giant Oz telco who decided to drop it.

That drove me to run a VM for my current domain.

I spent months during the transition finding the lists and sites and updating things. I hope to never have to do that again.

Messages sent to Google accounts tick all green boxes.

Hah! Google seem to have a special filter for me; most email I send directly to a GMail account lands in that user's spam folder, even if they mark them as nonspam. It is not clear why. I did once maintain an adzapper :-(

Only Microsoft (outlook.com, hotmail.com) seem to filter the whole IP block, but I am too lazy to ask the provider to fix or change provider altogether.

I've been bitten by that kind of thing sometimes. I usually just run email for those domains via my ISP's SMTP service instead of the VM's SMTP service.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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