Derek Martin <> wrote on Wed, 31 Aug 2022
at 19:35:15 EDT in <>:

> > I don't really think we're flouting the standards.
> So it IS only a recommendation, not a requirement--but it's a pretty
> strong recommendation, and either way you're still flouting it.

No. Flouting a recommendation in a standard is not flouting the standard.
Pleae don't twist my words.

(If you want to be pedantic, you may accuse me of flouting a SHOULD 
recommendation within a standard, and I will admit to it, but I think such a 
contextless admission misses the point.)

Evaluating the strength of a SHOULD requires looking at pragmatic realities. 
And that reality is that lots of messages are sent without hard line wraps.

Furthermore, if the choice were between standards-compliance and readable 
emails by more recipients, most of us would choose the pragmatic choice of 
readable emails. That's not to say we are faced with such a stark choice -- it 
is far more nuanced and a matter of opinion and individual judgment.

Also, RFC5322 is not intended to be a standard that governs what user should 
do. It's for MTAs and MUAs and other mail software. That, of course, speaks to 
the nuanced and pragmatic analysis.

John Hawkinson

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