(Replying to Mihai, but keeping Bastian's subject-line change...an operation 
which Mutt is not great at, but better than most...I dunno what to do with 
In-Reply-To/References: here, tho.)

Mihai Lazarescu <mtl...@gmail.com> wrote on Mon, 12 Sep 2022
at 15:07:37 EDT in <yx+dedsraermd...@lazarescu.org>:

> It took some work to set it up, but that's it. Surely not a mass solution, 
> yet feasible and stable.
> Only Microsoft (outlook.com, hotmail.com) seem to filter the whole IP block, 
> but I am too lazy to ask the
> provider to fix or change provider altogether.

This is hard to take seriously. Precise numbers are hard come to by, but I 
think Microsoft is the number 2 hosting provider, globally, after Google/Gmail, 
and has a substantial market share. Deciding that it's OK to not worry about 
them suggests a very different attitude toward email reliability and 
interoperability than most people would choose.

John Hawkinson

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