Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
Erik Christiansen wrote:
Salter-Duke wrote:
My partner reads gmail on her phone or tablet. She reads my messages but
does not realise that if she scrolls down she can see her message that
I replying to. If I had bottom posting, she would never have read my
message, thinking that some how she had got her email back again. The use
of phones for email alters the game. It is time we gave up bottom posting!

Thinking can be a useful path to learning. Is it possible for you to
imagine that if you could learn to trim your quotes to the essential
minimum of a line or two, then bottom posting works well on most screens,
and even on phones if you prefix the whole message with: "For clarity I'm
answering in context, see below:"

Eric, I tried to email you direct, but you do not allow that, so I will have
to send to the list my anger at your post. Who the hell do you think you are
to lecture me in that way?

This is the kind of response I get from some of my top-posting friends as well. I've stopped that debate in my environment. I like bottom posting and I do it everywhere. I put in the extra work to reformat whole email chains and sometimes people do not want to break it and continue.

I also use the hated HTML format to force a proper formatting on their clients. I generate an HTML part for my email, which represents the text part with a fixed width font, a forced width of 82 characters and colored quote lines. Now I can use ASCII drawings and all my friends on their fancy phones
and crappy clients can enjoy it.

I often get compliments on the style and readability on my emails. And my response then is: Use a proper client and learn about email and every mail will look like this.

HTML is not allowed on this list, so here is the HTML part for this mail:

Best Regards,

Stefan Hagen
Phone: +49 (0)176 642 925 17
Defender of RFC 1855 | PGP Key in Header.

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