Top posting makes complicated scientific conversations with several interanal threads impossible. "Bottom" posting - which is really splitting the original email into parts (separated by blank lines for visual clarity) allows people to hold very complex discussions.
The worst Top Posting case I ever saw occured when my technician ordered some DNA to be synthesized. Unfortunately the company she ordered from was in the path of the Rita hurricane and they were unable to fill the order for some weeks. When they recovered the sales person top posted a reply to her asking her to send the order again. It turned out that the bottom of the email contained the original order. He had sent it back to her! So Top posters never read further down the email, it's a total waste of bandwidth. Also, Top posting makes searches hit the same text multiple times, making it difficult to find a particular email. If one carefully trims away all the irrelevant material, leaving just the minimum necessary then this effect is minimized. Tom