On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 09:52:23AM +1000, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> For a long time, mutters have fought battles and wars to get everybody
> to bottom post. It makes a lot of sense, but we have lost every battle
> and every war.

In a work related environment, top-posting is more common and even
encouraged; it makes sense as sometimes you need to reconstruct the
whole, pristine chain of communication (for audit reasons, to forward
to a third party, etc.).
That, I feel, explains the proneness of many users to top-post.

> I now only bottom to emails on this list. I also never ever see bottom
> posting in all the hundreds of emails I get every week, other than
> posts to the mutt lists.

Bottom-posting on mailing-lists is still a battle worthy of being
I don't nudge anyone (I do when their email is HTML-only), but I keep
bottom posting on MLs: trimming+BP saves reading time and is clearer.
I hope/expect newcomers to pick out the habit by experiencing how
easier it is to navigate a bottom-posted thread.

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