On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 03:23:45AM +0000, Ian Zimmerman wrote: > I also bottom post with some of my best friends who _are_ gmail users, > and they don't object.
+1 The key, I've learned, is to teach them about bottom-posting. I have occassionally used bottom-posting with contacts without warning, and that has led to some confusion. I now try to remember to put "see my responses in-line below" as the first line of the message. Some mail clients by default collapse inline responses. I don't know which mail clients they are, but contacts have told me that they just saw an empty email (until I told them to search for how to uncollapse the quoted reply). To me, this is a clear bug in such mail clients, but it's good to know the behavior exists. I think the important thing is to be kind and patient with newcommers, and educate them on why in some situations some people prefer bottom-posting. I do not participate on this list much, but on lyx-users bottom-posting is part of our "list netiquette" [1]. If I see a user who is sticking around for a while, I just kindly remind them that it is part of our list netiquette. If everyone takes turns in patiently reminding newcommers, it is not so much of a hastle and I've found that the newcommers are open to bottom-posting. Scott [1] https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__wiki.lyx.org_FAQ_ListNetiquette&d=DwIBAg&c=pZJPUDQ3SB9JplYbifm4nt2lEVG5pWx2KikqINpWlZM&r=zUqJVM3RY5svAe6ctaxqyrj3k9OQkcL6UzDF3Kn6e0s&m=I0V31ciCHXrUy7R-bTo1iUQ7IQ-O4anaqqzxuRkujCM&s=l3XyQq-DSjJT-wVddDp5jQhsRavz1QC53Zxx3JUIpqQ&e= -- Scott Kostyshak Assistant Professor of Economics University of Florida https://people.clas.ufl.edu/skostyshak/