On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Marcus C. Gottwald <m...@cheers.de> wrote: > > Xu Wang wrote (Wed 2016-Jun-22 21:49:12 -0400): > >> ... Many solutions >> involve preserving the .html file. But is it possible for .html file >> to include images that were included in the email file? ... > > Somewhere within such a solution, you would need a piece of code > parsing the email and probably store its MIME-parts as files > (possibly using "munpack"? "mu extract"? Python "email.parser"? > Perl "MIME::Tools"?). You will need to identify the HTML part(s) > and possibly glue several of them together. You might need to > modify references in the HTML code, then start the webbrowser, > and clean it all up later, I guess. > > FWIW, here's my approach: Use a macro to copy the whole email > into a file and fire up Icedove (= Thunderbird), which does a > good job at displaying HTML email. > > macro index,pager I '\ > <enter-command>set my_confirmcreate=$confirmcreate<enter>\ > <enter-command>set confirmcreate=no<enter>\ > <shell-escape>rm -f ~/email-from-mutt.eml<enter>\ > <copy-message>~/email-from-mutt.eml<enter>\ > <shell-escape>icedove --no-remote ~/email-from-mutt.eml<enter>\ > <enter-command>set confirmcreate=$my_confirmcreate<enter>\ > ' 'invoke Icedove' > > You would probably want to modify the macro to start Icedove in > the background. It might then be necessary to work around the > race condition regarding the filename recycling. The solution > might not suit you at all because it doesn't actually invoke > a web browser of your choice; but maybe it does provide some > inspiration. > > > Cheers, Marcus > > -- > Marcus C. Gottwald · <m...@cheers.de> · https://cheers.de
Thank you, Marcus. Interesting solution! I will take a look at Icedove for HTML email. Kind regards, Xu