On 2016-06-22, Xu Wang <xuwang...@gmail.com> wrote:

[using external viewer program defined in mailcap]

> However, mutt will be unresponsive until I exit the browser. This is
> not my work style. So I added & to detach. This is good in the sense
> that mutt now does not wait for the browser. However, by the time my
> browser opens, mutt has already deleted the .html temporary file
> because after adding & the command returned immediately?

I usually just write a wrapper script that copies the file to a
temporary location, starts a background progcess that runs the viewer
and removes the temporary file when the viewer exits.

Here's what I use for viewing .pdf files with atril:

 TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
 mv "$1" $TMPDIR
 NAME=$(basename "$1")
 setsid bash -c "atril '$TMPDIR/$NAME'; rm '$TMPDIR/$NAME'; rmdir '$TMPDIR'" &

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! JAPAN is a WONDERFUL
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