On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Gregor Zattler <telegr...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi Xu Wang,
> * Xu Wang <xuwang...@gmail.com> [22. Jun. 2016]:
>> So I added & to detach. This is good in the sense
>> that mutt now does not wait for the browser. However, by the time my
>> browser opens, mutt has already deleted the .html temporary file
>> because after adding & the command returned immediately?
>> Has any one come across this situation and has a similar desire?
> Search for  mutt_bgrun
> It's purpose is to start programms in background and keeps the
> file till the background process exits.

Dear all, thank you for these great replies! I will do research into
each one. This brings me to one question already. Many solutions
involve preserving the .html file. But is it possible for .html file
to include images that were included in the email file? If so,
although .html file is preserved (using the solutions in this thread),
might the images be deleted, which the .html file depends on?

Kind regards,


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