Xu Wang wrote (Wed 2016-Jun-22 21:49:12 -0400):

> ... Many solutions
> involve preserving the .html file. But is it possible for .html file
> to include images that were included in the email file? ...

Somewhere within such a solution, you would need a piece of code
parsing the email and probably store its MIME-parts as files
(possibly using "munpack"? "mu extract"? Python "email.parser"?
Perl "MIME::Tools"?). You will need to identify the HTML part(s)
and possibly glue several of them together. You might need to
modify references in the HTML code, then start the webbrowser,
and clean it all up later, I guess.

FWIW, here's my approach: Use a macro to copy the whole email
into a file and fire up Icedove (= Thunderbird), which does a
good job at displaying HTML email.

   macro index,pager I '\
   <enter-command>set my_confirmcreate=$confirmcreate<enter>\
   <enter-command>set confirmcreate=no<enter>\
   <shell-escape>rm -f ~/email-from-mutt.eml<enter>\
   <shell-escape>icedove --no-remote ~/email-from-mutt.eml<enter>\
   <enter-command>set confirmcreate=$my_confirmcreate<enter>\
   ' 'invoke Icedove'

You would probably want to modify the macro to start Icedove in
the background. It might then be necessary to work around the
race condition regarding the filename recycling. The solution
might not suit you at all because it doesn't actually invoke
a web browser of your choice; but maybe it does provide some

Cheers, Marcus

   Marcus C. Gottwald  ·  <m...@cheers.de>  ·  https://cheers.de

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