On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 12:51:15PM +0100, spaceman wrote:
> Hi,
> >>>reply-hook    "~t mailing-list.org"    "my_hdr From: Richard
> >>><em...@gmail.com>"
> Just to note that reply-hook doesn't appear to work here, however when I
> substitute it for send-hook it works as expected using my_hdr. I realize
> they are not the same thing but this result is what counts.

I had both send and reply-hooks on that, turns out I had an additional
  send-hook   .   'unmy_hdr From Reply-To Content-Type Cc'
in a different part of the file which apparently overruled my carefully
crafted settings.
With that fixed, it seems to work as expected :))


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