I use this in my .muttrc, because I did not want to have it
automatically depended on folders or accounts:
macro compose I "<edit-from>^Umarkus<tab>" "Set identity / Select From:"
In my aliases file, I have these entries:
alias markus1 Markus <exam...@server.xy>
alias markus2 M. <xy.exam...@provider.net>
alias markus3 MD <goo...@server.xy>
On 22.05.15, spaceman wrote:
You can do that so many ways:
I use
folder-hook ~/mail/space...@antispaceman.com/* source
to change the from depending on which folder (or account in this case) I'm in.
You do the same with account-hook I'm assuming (if you using imap).
You could also define a macro to quickly change between profiles.
You could also use send-hook for specific addresses that need to go
from certain accounts:
send-hook "~t space...@antispaceman.com" source
On 2015/05/22 08:05:01 , Xu Wang wrote:
Dear all,
To switch the "from" field to one of my alternates when reviewing an
email I wrote right before I press 'y' to send, is there a quick way?
I understand that I can do "ESC + f" and then enter it manually. But
how can I switch quickly and limit the choice to just those email
addresses that I have set as alternates?
Kind regards,
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