Dear all,

Thank you very much for such responses. There are indeed several ways
to do this.

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 10:51 AM, Marcus C. Gottwald <> wrote:
> Xu Wang wrote (Fri 2015-May-22 08:59:01 -0400):
>> I understand that I can do "ESC + f" and then enter it manually. But
>> how can I switch quickly ...
> After having typed <Esc>f, you can use Ctrl+u to delete the current
> value, and you can choose the new value from your aliases. The alias
> selection supports tab completion. I am using a few aliases starting
> with "_me_" (and no other aliases starting with "_") for exactly the
> purpose of being able to quickly select a new value for "From:" (and
> sometimes "Cc:" or "Reply-to:" or something else).
>> ... and limit the choice to just those email
>> addresses that I have set as alternates?
> alternates is a pattern, so which input would you like to get checked
> against that pattern?

Ah, I believe I see your point. How about checking aliases against
this pattern then? This seems the most reasonable to me. Is there a
common case where one would want to send an email from an address that
does not match the alternate pattern?


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