* On 15 Dec 2014, John Long wrote: 
> Hi,
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 06:29:43PM +0100, Francesco Ariis wrote:
> > ~f does work on my machine  (Tested with <limit>~f t...@example.org /and/
> > with 'score').
> > The "From" header (yahoo group) looks similar to yours:
> It's not similar enough:
> > 
> >     From: "t...@example.com [abcusers]" <badema...@yahoogroups.com>
>       From: "phoney bologna bolognapho...@hotmail.com [bademails]" 
> <badema...@yahoogroups.com>
> You have a real email id in the sender portion. The example I am using has a
> non-RFC format (AFAIK) email address with 

Francesco is right, this should work. ~f a@b will match a@b whether it's
the actual address or inside the "name" portion.

Here's an example from my mailbox:
From: "First Last em...@example.net [ListName]"
Sender: <listn...@yahoogroups.com>

So ~e em...@example.net won't work because Sender: does not have your
target pattern, but ~f em...@example.net should.  If it does not there's
something else wrong.

Your example is a valid RFC From: line, by the way.  All the goofy stuff
is inside double quotes, and the proper email address is inside angle
brackets.  It's annoying, and it breaks crypto, but strictly in terms of
address format it's legit.

> firstname lastname em...@provider.com blah 
> I think it would normally have to be 
> firstname lastname <em...@provider.com>
> or 
> "firstname lastname" <em...@provider.com>
> I suspect this nonconformance is part of the problem and I don't know how to
> get Mutt to scan the header since it could be not a valid header at all.
> /jl
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David Champion • d...@bikeshed.us

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