
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 06:29:43PM +0100, Francesco Ariis wrote:
> ~f does work on my machine  (Tested with <limit>~f t...@example.org /and/
> with 'score').
> The "From" header (yahoo group) looks similar to yours:

It's not similar enough:

>     From: "t...@example.com [abcusers]" <badema...@yahoogroups.com>
      From: "phoney bologna bolognapho...@hotmail.com [bademails]" 

You have a real email id in the sender portion. The example I am using has a
non-RFC format (AFAIK) email address with 

firstname lastname em...@provider.com blah 

I think it would normally have to be 

firstname lastname <em...@provider.com>


"firstname lastname" <em...@provider.com>

I suspect this nonconformance is part of the problem and I don't know how to
get Mutt to scan the header since it could be not a valid header at all.


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