On 15.12.14,16:08, John Long wrote: > Yahoogroups mangles the From: headers badly and Mutt doesn't seem to want to > listen to me when I tell him to score using ~f or ~e. Is there a (better) > way to score this? > > Here is a sample From: header > > From: "phoney bologna bolognapho...@hotmail.com [bademails]" > <badema...@yahoogroups.com> > > score '~f bolognapho...@hotmail.com' -100 # doesn't work > score '~e bolognapho...@hotmail.com' -100 # doesn't work > > I can't kill everything with the address of badema...@yahoogroups.com > because then I won't see anything posted to the group. > > Any ideas? Thanks. >
Does this work? score '~f bolognaphoney' -100 Jostein