On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 12:12:01PM -0500, David J. Weller-Fahy wrote:
> * Will Fiveash <will.five...@oracle.com> [2013-01-10 18:49 -0500]:
> > What I'd like is a way to temporarily "pull in" a subthread so I can
> > see the threading.  To put it another way, make some message that's
> > the parent of a subthread look like the parent of the entire thread
> > causing mutt to hide the rest of the entire thread (if that makes
> > sense).  Can mutt do this?
> Hrm... have you tried a combination of '<tag-subthread>' and '<limit>'?
> Workflow would be something approximating the following.
> - Go to first message in subthread you want to see.
> - Execute <tag-subthread>.
> - Limit to pattern ~T.
> I just tried it on a subthread of this thread, and it worked, but I
> don't have another thread handy which is huge enough to give it a good
> workout.

That is close but not exactly what I'm looking for.  The indentation
level of the subtree parent is such with the thread I'm looking at that
the thread display is still beyond the terminal window.  It would be
perfect if mutt could also reset the indent level of the subtree parent
to 0.

Will Fiveash

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