* Will Fiveash <will.five...@oracle.com> [2013-01-10 18:49 -0500]:
> What I'd like is a way to temporarily "pull in" a subthread so I can
> see the threading.  To put it another way, make some message that's
> the parent of a subthread look like the parent of the entire thread
> causing mutt to hide the rest of the entire thread (if that makes
> sense).  Can mutt do this?

Hrm... have you tried a combination of '<tag-subthread>' and '<limit>'?

Workflow would be something approximating the following.

- Go to first message in subthread you want to see.
- Execute <tag-subthread>.
- Limit to pattern ~T.

I just tried it on a subthread of this thread, and it worked, but I
don't have another thread handy which is huge enough to give it a good

dave [ please don't CC me ]

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