On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 04:20:12PM -0800, Brendan Cully wrote:
> On Thursday, 10 January 2013 at 17:47, Will Fiveash wrote:
> > Occasionally I'm involved in a very long e-mail thread such that the
> > threading indicators are beyond the width of my terminal window.  What
> > I'd like is a way to temporarily "pull in" a subthread so I can see the
> > threading.  To put it another way, make some message that's the parent
> > of a subthread look like the parent of the entire thread causing mutt to
> > hide the rest of the entire thread (if that makes sense).  Can mutt do
> > this?  If not, I'd like to see this feature added.
> You could break the thread. I don't think we have a temp-break-thread
> command that doesn't write the changes back to the mailbox, but it
> might not be too hard to make.

I'd tried breaking the thread but with the threading options I'm using
mutt automatically added the subtree to the existing main thread in a
place that still hid the subtree thread display.  8^/

Will Fiveash
Oracle Solaris Software Engineer
Austin, TX, USA

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