On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 09:34:49AM -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> > You could say that mutt is designed to handle a lot of mail and each
> > mail individually, accessible through a list of mails. That you can
> > switch to different folders is not actually supported and only
> > "merely possible".
> I have no idea what you're talking about.  I think you just don't know
> how to use Mutt properly...

FWIW, this sort of comment (and possibly other things I wrote) may
come off sounding insulting, but that wasn't my intent.  I just mean
to say that it sounds like you may not be aware of all of Mutt's
functionality regarding handling different mail folders, and maybe the
reason you think that handling your mail this way won't work for you
is more because of that than any technical deficiency...
> I suggest you start Mutt with "mutt -y" on the command line.  It will
> give you a list of all your mailboxes, and allow you to select them.
> You can also get here by pressing 'c' to change folders, and then '?'
> to show the list.  If you don't have anything there other than your
> Inbox, it is because you have not listed your mailboxes in your config
> file with the mailbox configuration keyword... your configuration is
> incomplete.

Also, note that your muttrc can get its configuration programatically,
so if it's more convenient to do this (than listing them explicitly)
you can write a program to print out the mailboxes commands you want
to use.  If you found it useful to change the set of mailboxes to use
with your categories, you would use unmailboxes to delete the original
ones, and then use mailboxes to add the category ones.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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