On Fri, Aug 30, 2002, Sven Guckes wrote:
> * Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-08-30 19:03]:
> > I find something odd about the threading tree.  Imagine you have two
> > messages one under the other in a thread three.  In one set of those
> > the child message is a direct reply to the parent.  In the second set
> > they are both replies to a message that is gone, so they are both tied
> > together in a tree, but at the same level basically.  The thread tree
> > looks exactly the same for both sets.  Does this make sense?  If so,
> > shouldn't the trees look a little different, as in the child of the
> > parent that was a direct reply be indented slightly, or at least
> > somehow differentiated?
> "maybe".  definitely.
> Make a suggestion,
> draw a picture,
> post the url!

Hah. :)  Better yet, when I can collect my thoughts on it, I will send
it to the list.  ASCII!


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