On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 01:21:53AM +0200, Sven Guckes wrote:
> * Sven Guckes wrote:
> > the problem is that M$ does not play according to the rules.
> > it's time to give up compatibility with them and let them
> > feel that they are using bad software.  let *them* suffer!
> * Peter T. Abplanalp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-08-29 23:08]:
> > while i agree with your sentiment in principal, it is
> > sometimes difficult to take that line with your boss.
> > if s/he suffers, you suffer.
> if your boss behaves stupid and you play along - does that help?
> who will suffer in the end?  exactly - both you and your boss.

depends on your point of view.  mostly him, my mutt helps me a lot
with his f'ed up mua.  no, not exactly.

> education and information are the only things that will help.
> so inform you boss now.  if need be, educate him, too.

you can always try but it has been my experience that these people
don't want to change to anything other than M$.  if your boss is still
semi technical this might work; however, if he has gone totally over
to the dark side of management, he is a lost cause.

> Outlook and other mailers should be banned for sending text
> as html by default, for not playing the the rules (RFCs etc),
> and for having a lot of security holes.  think "i love you".

like i said originally, i agree with this.  that's why i'm here and
use mutt myself.

> begin 666 magritte.txt.vbs
> Ceci n'est pas un pi?ce jointe.
> this is not an attachment!
> end

keep them coming.

Peter Abplanalp

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