On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 02:34:59PM +0200, Sven Guckes wrote:
> anyway, what good is it to wait to change jobs?
> if all changed jobs then they's swap one place
> with windows with another place using windows.
> the change must be within the system itself.
> and i am not only talking about operating systems..
> there needs be a change towards freedom of choice.
> <insert www.fsf.org here>
> then again, i'm not sure whether giving users a
> choice will make all of them happy.  see my page
> http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/forwhom.php3
> still - the bottom line is:
> if your boss is too dense to realize that he is using broken
> software then he should pay you twice as much to use it, too!
> Sven  [twice as much *at least*]

Heh - that would be nice.  Of course from the employer's point of view
They are already paying us to use software thats broken and if it means
so much to us then they'll pay us half as much to use software
that not broken.  Ouch!   

The market sets the pays scales, not the value of the work done,

I think that as Linux gets a bigger market share that the market will
eventually recognize its value.  However most companies are going to 
continue to use, ahem "Less Elegant" software such as Outlook and Lotus 
Notes because of the integrated groupware functions they have.

When the Linux world has a mail client with integrated groupware functions
then we will have a very strong argument for exiting from those "less 
elegant" software products.

Is anybody working on a plug-in for mutt to add this kind of thing ?

Of course knowing how much I have to learn about mutt there probably is
some obvious groupware functionality which I just don't know about. :)

Jeff Kinz, Director, Emergent Research,  Hudson, MA.  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
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