On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 12:55:18AM +0200, Sven Guckes wrote:
> * Michael Herman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-08-29 17:26]:
> > At work, I use Linux and have been using Mutt and Sylpheed.
> > Yesterday, my boss complained about the format of my e-mails.
> > So to make him happy, I have developed
> > an attribution string that mimics Outlook.
> ask him why he is using a mailer which cannot be adjusted
> which needs configuration to do away with silly defaults and
> which requires extra programs to produce error free text.
> > The problem is, when I read a reply, the latest reply (which is at
> > the top, thank you Microsoft) is left justified but earlier replies
> > which would be indented in Outlook have > as the quote character.
> > When I reply to these, it leaves the > instead of the tab.
> the problem is that M$ does not play according to the rules.
> it's time to give up compatibility with them and let them
> feel that they are using bad software.  let *them* suffer!

while i agree with your sentiment in principal, it is sometimes
difficult to take that line with your boss.  if s/he suffers, you

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> end                   Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Peter Abplanalp

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