On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 01:47:58PM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
> In addition to setting 'alternates', set 'reverse_name'.  Then, as the
> manual says, "the default From: line of the reply messages is built
> using the address where you received the messages you are replying to."
> If your want your From:  line set by some other criterion, such as the
> recipient's name or the folder, then you will need to use a send-hook or
> a folder-hook.  To set it arbitrarily, a macro is probably best.

That works for most things, but not some mailing lists. For those I had
to add send-hooks like this:

send-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'my_hdr From: Patrick Draper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'

It took me a while to figure this out.

Patrick Draper                | Don't  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Austin, Texas                 | Fear   |Father Order runs at a
http://www.pdrap.org          | The    |good pace, but old Mother
Be Microsoft Free - Use Linux |Penguin |Chaos is winning the race.

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