Kevin, et al --

...and then Kevin Coyner said...
% Since I'm just getting started and haven't invested
% a huge amount of time, effort and config files yet, what
% application chain would you recommend?  At this point

Heh.  You'll find that you'll get a different answer from everyone you
ask, so beware :-)  Note to everyone else: I have interest in a religious
war, but I'm too lazy to caveat my comments below.

% it won't be hard for me to make major changes since I'm 
% not set in my ways nor have any predispositions.

Good plans.  You can even play a bit with lots of things and come to your
own conclusions!

% Right now I'm headed towards:  mutt, sendmail, fetchmail 
% and procmail.  But I'm selecting these for no particular
% reason other than they seem standard and common.

I've never liked sendmail and happily use qmail, but Dan Bernstein's
software -- while robust, powerful, small, and secure -- isn't always
the easiest to install or manage.  Other options include exim and Postfix,
and all have their zealots on this list.  I'm not really advanced enough
to consider myself a qmail zealot; I just use the stuff.  Then there are
ssmtp and friends for doing ultra-simple relaying through a smarthost;
I haven't kept track of them but I know that many are listed in the
archives; starting with "ssmtp" will no doubt turn up a few as well as
give some hints for good search strings.

I don't pop, and so I can't provide any opinion, but I've heard good
things about fetchmail.

If I were starting over I'd look at maildrop just because those who use it
keep going on and on about the simplicity of the grammar.  I don't know if
it's any more or less powerful than procmail, but it sure sounds easier.

% What might be a better setup (with 'better' meaning 
% having more tools yet less complexity!)?

I can't think of any more tools you really need; you have something to
read your mail, send your mail, get your mail, and filter your mail; that
pretty much covers it.  You might also be interested in SpamAssassin, an
excellent spam-processing tool, and TMDA, a tool to mangle your address
and then manage replies to those addresses.

Let's see, here...  The perl module Mail::Audit is in there somewhere,
too; I think it's a filter.  Archives :-)

% Thanks again, Kevin


P.S. -- Do you note that I reply to your text as I go rather than
        sticking it all up at the top?  That's what I mean about 
        quoting style...

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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