Wow Wow.  I see that I've a lot to learn.

I'm really liking Mutt, but in all honesty it's a lot
of work to put everything together.  Ultimately that
flexibility is the beauty of Mutt, but to get started
is a steep learning curve, especially if you are
relatively new to Linux, and even newer to the command
line.  In the last 36 hrs since I've started the switch
from KMail to Mutt, I've had to come to grips with 
vim, sendmail, fetchmail and mutt.  And from what I can
tell, I need to get procmail going too.  

Well, at least I'm having fun, and with some more 
studying, reading and the occasional lamer question to
this group, I'll get it figured out.

Thanks, Kevin

PS:  was the format of this reply even slightly better? :-)

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 12:11:08PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> Kevin --
> Wow.  TOFU, forwarding attribution in a reply context, mangling the
> Subject: line with brackets, and losing the References: headers -- all
> in one post!  Ouch!  If you need help to come up to speed and lose your
> Outlook-ly ways, please let us know.
> After all, I wouldn't want to lose my he-who-pisses-off-Sven-the-most
> title, you know :-)
> :-D
> -- 
> David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
> (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
>    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!


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