Kevin --

...and then Kevin Coyner said...
% Wow Wow.  I see that I've a lot to learn.

We all do.  Don't worry; it'll come!

% I'm really liking Mutt, but in all honesty it's a lot

That's good!

% of work to put everything together.  Ultimately that

That's understood.

% flexibility is the beauty of Mutt, but to get started
% is a steep learning curve, especially if you are
% relatively new to Linux, and even newer to the command

I'm glad that you realize why that's the case and that it really is a
Good Thing in the long run; some people just don't get it.

% line.  In the last 36 hrs since I've started the switch
% from KMail to Mutt, I've had to come to grips with 
% vim, sendmail, fetchmail and mutt.  And from what I can

What's done is done, and that's all great, but if you find yourself
having to muck with sendmail a lot then, since you fetch your mail and
I thus hypothesize that you might be able also just smartrelay your mail
back out, you might enjoy something lightweight like ssmtp.

% tell, I need to get procmail going too.  

You really want to :-)  There are alternatives, such as maildrop, but
that's the whole point: you pick which ever tool fits your needs best in
the long "application" chain you're building.

% Well, at least I'm having fun, and with some more 


% studying, reading and the occasional lamer question to
% this group, I'll get it figured out.

Hey, everybody gets a few for free :-)

% Thanks, Kevin
% PS:  was the format of this reply even slightly better? :-)

Indeed it was.  The Subject: line wasn't mangled and the threading
worked.  Now we'll have to work on your quoting :-)

HTH & HAND &, again, welcome!

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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