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Alas! David T-G spake thus:
> Rob --
> ...and then Feztaa said...
> >=20
> > Alas! David T-G spake thus:
> > > That's great, because I've thought for a long that something like
> This part is kind of a pain; you should skip a line like I do.  Other
> than that...

You mean like this?:

> Blah

No, that wouldn't be kosher.

> > "But it's yellow then red then yellow then green then white! it's
> > obvious!" ;)
> Oh, well, *that* makes a difference.

But of course ;)

> > Actually, even with different colors I find it hard to read. I think
> > that the way I quote is perfect; you should all follow my example ;)
> It seems that we are of fairly like mind.  If you'd only leave a line
> below your 'Alas!' at the top and switch to the One True Indent Char then
> you'd have it all wrapped up!

No, a space after the attribution looks weird. And I already use the

> >=20
> > --=20
> > Rob 'Feztaa' Park
> > http://members.shaw.ca/feztaa/

quoting a sig? For shame, sir, for shame... ;)

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
What good is a ticket to the good life, if you can't find the entrance?

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