Radek Spacil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On [04/05/02] 12:36, Jussi Ekholm wrote:
>> Mike Schiraldi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Okay, grab Rob Reid's post package.
>> Hmm, what's this package and where it is located? 
> http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/~reid/mutt/


> It's a emacs mode for writing emails with mutt. It does color syntax
> and some other nice things - also wrapping lines. Check it out!

I'm checking it out as I write this mail, and I think I like it; at
least the color syntaxing is nice (at least after I customized the
colors ;P). 

>> I think, that something is wrong with my Emacs, because 'M-x
>> auto-fill-mode' doesn't start wrapping lines. Or, then the wrong
>> thing is me -- should I somehow configure auto-fill-mode through
>> 'customize' or something?  It just doesn't wrap the lines...
> Maybe variable fill-column it too big. You can try to use
> set-fill-column function to set it to something reasonable.
> Try this:  C-u 72 C-x f   this will set fill-column to 72

It said, that fill-column *was* 70, and now it is 72. Weird. Ah well,
I guess I have to live with this. At least it wraps the lines I write
now, although I haven't needed it. But to be sure, I'll keep the
option on. :-)

> If this will work, you can add following line to your .emacs file:
>    (setq fill-column 72)

Thanks, I'll do this right away.

> You can also press C-q to wrap current paragraph (even outside
> auto-fill-mode).

Yup (you mean M-q, right?), it does -- but sometimes it acts *very*
weirdly, like wrapping the whole mail instead of just the current
paragraph. Well, I'm not complaining. :-)

Still -- the answer I was looking for -- I didn't find it. And the
question was, that how can I make Emacs to wrap all lines longer than
specific amount of columns? All, not just the ones I'm writing myself,
because that isn't a problem. The problem is, that sometimes people
write *extremely* long lines (I've noticed, that this usually occurs
when the writer is using Outlook :P); for example, I have one mail in
my inbox, that has such a long lines, that Emacs is displaying one
line on fifteen (15!) lines!. So, is there a way (I'm sure there is,
Emacs haven't let me down yet ;-)) to do this?

Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU/Linux user number 269376
http://erppimaa.cjb.net/~ekhowl/   | ICQ UIN:              156057281 
ekh on IRCnet                      | GnuPG Public Key ID:  1410081E

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