* Gregor Zattler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-05-09 20.12 +0200]:
> Hi Jussi,
> * Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [09. Mai. 2002]:
> > Rob Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > I recommend filladapt.
> > 
> > Some other person recommended me filladapt, too. But the fact is, that
> > the GNU Emacs that comes along with my GNU/Linux distribution, doesn't
> > have that package by default. And I've, of course, forgot where to get
> > those elisip files... :-P
> In Debian Gnu/Linux the packages name is "emacs-goodies-el"

In case anyone is looking, the URL is:


A good starting-point when looking for emacs stuff is:


Martin Karlsson - 0x9C924660

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