Hi, all! ...and then Michael Tatge said... % % Jussi Ekholm ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) muttered: % > I was just wondering, that is it possible for Mutt to wrap the lines % > before sending the message in the editor when replying? % % Nope.
Jussi: I heartily agree with Michael. I wouldn't want to use emacs, either, but I hear some people prefer it (amazingly) over vim ;-) This definitely belongs to the editor, though. % ... % P.S. please post to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Michael: He did, AFAICT. Is there a particular reason you made this note? % -- % We come to bury DOS, not to praise it. % (Paul Vojta, [EMAIL PROTECTED], paraphrasing a quote of Shakespeare) Heh :-) Hey, I love DOS! HTH & HAND :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/ Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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