Mike Schiraldi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> job? I just don't like to enable wrapping in Emacs itself, because
>> I hate it when the editor handles the line length.
> Just do this:
> set editor="emacs --eval '(turn-on-auto-fill)'"
> and line wrapping will only be turned on when emacs is launched by mutt. 

Ok, but how this is done when using 'emacsclient'? I have Emacs running
as gnuserv in tty8 all the time. When I put the line you adviced me to
put, emacsclient tells me this:

emacsclient: unrecognized option `--eval'

So, is there any way to use this option with emacsclient? Just for the
record; I can't handle any Elisp, so I can't handle any of that -- by
myself, at least. :-)

Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU/Linux user number 269376
http://erppimaa.cjb.net/~ekhowl/   | ICQ UIN:              156057281 
ekh on IRCnet                      | GnuPG Public Key ID:  1410081E

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